This heavenly pink wedding bouquet includes a delicious collection of English Garden Roses, Eryngium, fresh fragrant Lily of the Valley, Astrantia, Sweet Peas, Sweet Scented Rosemary, Eucalyptus & Dill with Poppy Seed Heads & Pale pink Hydrangeas
Bridal Bouquet in a hedgerow gathered style with Blue Eryngium Thistles, Classic Blue Hydrangeas, Blue Nigella, Avalanche Roses, Albiflora Bruneii & Norma Jean Roses
A beautiful pink bridal bouquet including deep pink and paler pink shaded Hydrangeas, English Garden Roses Darcey & Miranda, Sweet Avalanche Roses, Sweet Peas in shades of pinks and ivories, Sarah Bernhardt & Shirley Temple Peonies